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Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland & Delaware

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Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland & Delaware

Coronavirus Updates & Resources

Community teams and leadership continue to work diligently to protect and support the health and well-being of all those we serve. We continue to do our very best to combat the spread of COVID-19 and support the residents and staff at our communities.

As we balance Presbyterian Senior Living's desire to be transparent with our need to protect the privacy of the residents we serve, we are unable to release information on specific test results.

The weekly update report details the number of active cases on the day of the report and tally the total number of all resident and team member cases for the week (active and recovered). We continue to be committed to transparency in reporting outbreaks at our communities.  

Click here to view weekly updates on COVID-19 positive cases

For historical references of COVID guidance, visitation requirements, and resources, please visit our Learning Center and search COVID.